What a stupid problem to have.

The restaurant industry has such a stupid but HUGE problem: Food waste

Thats food that has been grown by a farmer, transported to farm house, transported to a warehouse, shipped to a market, then delivered to a restaurant, all to end up in landfill.

We are not here to redefine dining and make you eat crickets, but by simply trying to do our part to help educate and simply reduce our footprint on the planet one plate at a time.

Zero Waste dishes

Our team of chefs have designed a small number of dishes which is designed to use as much of the vegetable/ meat as possible, reducing our waste from the get go.

From house pickling stems, pickling outer leaves, using vegetable off cuts/ scraps for stocks and rendering fat for tallow, these dishes were designed to use as much of each ingredient as possible from other wise parts of off cuts that would otherwise been thrown out

Eagle One

Our Coffee machine choice, The Eagle one prima has been specifically designed by espresso machine market leaders Victoria Arduino to be small, powerful and most importantly super efficient compared to the industry standard, reducing both electricity needed to run the machine and treated water wasted

Gone is paper.

We are proudly adopting a paperless menus system. We run a rotating tap board and always are running specials, this is wasted paper/ ink every week that starts to build up, opposed to a push of a button.

Paper menus also wear out quickly with the day to day usage and with customers treating them poorly, thats not only paper but laminated paper/ plastic that is going to land fill every week.

This is the last straw.

We are proudly supporting “little green panda” company as our sole straw supplier. The Little Green Panda are on a mission to eliminate our single use plastic’s, straws are only the beginning.

Their straws unlike their competitors are 100% home compostable/ biodegradable and are 100% PLA free!